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Explore Our Safe City Global Security Operations Center


This month at ASIS 2016 we presented the Safe City Global Security Operations Center (GSOC), a consortium comprised of industry leading companies with best-of-breed technologies, to showcase our integrated security and smart city solutions. The consortium included Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Salient Systems and Viscount Systems, and focused primarily on industry-specific use cases such as Public Safety, Corporate Campus Security, and Transportation. Through the demonstrations, we were able to show our partners and customers how our technologies are integrated to create a comprehensive solution.

In case you weren’t able to make it to the demonstration, we wanted to give you a closer look at what we showcased at ASIS, and how these solutions can impact your organization.

The Safe City Partners 2016-09-12-08-56-51-1

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) pulls and stores the copious amounts of data that we need in order to analyze and correlate the information to provide actionable insights to our clients.

Salient Systems

Salient Systems has a Video Management Software (VMS) platform that offers a “Complete View” feature that pulls footage from existing cameras to improve video management and forensic investigations.


Our Converged Security Information Management (CSIM) software monitors and manages physical and IT assets to collect, analyze, verify, resolve and track information.  The rules engine and workflow tools give management the ability to pre-determine what data should or shouldn’t be correlated using filtering rules based on time, location, duration, frequency and type. The software is programmed to identify and flag potential situations for the command center operator.

Viscount Systems

Viscount provides integrated security solutions that unify access control across physical and digital platforms.

Step Into the GSOC

vidsys-operations-center-2What does a Safe City look like? Here are a couple of examples from our demonstration:

The concept of a Safe City is built on the premise of security technology combined with a Smart City infrastructure, which includes technology, sensors, and integrated data connectivity. The building blocks of a successful smart city are public safety and security as well as transportation infrastructure.

Smart Mobility and Transportation are driving growth for cities. For example, the City of New York launched a program to improve its wireless communications to help with public safety, and the infrastructure is now available for smart city concepts to interconnect all of the city traffic lights and share this data with a central hub to improve traffic flow and driver safety. When it comes to smart transportation, it means having the ability to collect fares more efficiently and provide advanced warnings to citizens of a potential accident or emergency in train or metro stations or on the road.

Smart Security & Safety

In the case of an emergency, a strong technology platform infrastructure is essential for city governments and organizations. Creating a proactive response plan and GPS and location-based assets to improve response times will make law enforcement, government officials and citizens better prepared. In order to make the most of the data (from video cameras and sensors, entry access ID, geospatial mapping, social media, etc.), data correlation is key. This is where our technology is able to provide the best, most useful insights and alerts to our users in order to better inform decision makers and provide response plans during major events.

Overall, the Safe City GSOC at ASIS was a huge success, stimulating important discussions about the need for Safe City infrastructures across the globe. We look forward to working with our partners to bring this demonstration to other conferences in the future as well as presenting some of the exciting projects we have underway.


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